



掲示板 英語喉つながり



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5 thoughts on “休暇中 (来週の金曜日まで)

  1. Masa says:

    Hi, Kaz sensei!

    I agree with you from the bottom of my heart. Actually the Native Method has completely changed my life. Till the beginning of last January, I’ve never learned English except for in my schooldays. I restarted studying English in the middle of last January and fortunately met your great method last February. Although I'm aged over fifty and just a beginner, nowadays I can perfectly catch what native English speakers say and can easily talk with them. Of course they can also easily catch what I say. All these things are caused by the Native Method. My story after meeting ‘Eigonodo’ is so amazing. Because I’ve never thought that I could make such good communications with foreign people as I am doing nowadays. At first I intended only to gather foreign people to my shop and deal in our products(mainlt men’s suits) with them. But now I intend to introduce our shop and products to the people all over the world on website using English! So I deeply appreciate you and Jeana.
    Have a good journey and take care!

    Best regards,


  2. 上川先生!
    久々にBento Boxアップしました。

  3. 上川一秋 says:




  4. 上川一秋 says:

    Masa, it is very exciting to follow your stories at your MIXI diary. It started about 100 days ago (?), but it quickly became a very informative information source for eigonodo learners. Grammar is something you learn as you use the language and refine it. You are showing exactly how that can be done. Cheers.

  5. Masa says:

    Kaz sensei, welcome back to your blog!
    Today I talked with five foreign friends. And after talking with them, my skill of English speakig became a little bit more better than before, I think. I've never imagined me having such a cool day!

    Thank you again for everything till now and in advance from now on.

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